The ecosystem of Quiz behind the of the app WikiMaster

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WikiMaster is Quiz+Wikipedia+gamification.

WOK is an abbreviation for World of Knowledge. 
WOK is a social media for learning. 
WOK is the Knowledge Network. 
WOK is Quiz+Wikipedia-Facebook+gamification. 

WOK is a series of fun and entertaining quiz apps that are connected through WOKbits, tags and share the same database of more than 400000 multiple choice questions. 
WOK is the school of the future since its a. free and b. connect all existing learning tools with gaming to understand the facts of the world easier hence its c. more fun and easy to learn. 
WOK is the gamechanger for education revolution online so many have waited for. 

WikiMaster is the Queen app of Learning. It transforms the depth of Wikipedia with the lightness of fun. 
And since we without any hesitation regard Wikipedia one of the best things on Internet, we regard WikiMaster as one of the best learning apps on the app market. Please download and try it for yourself. 
Welcome to join WOK. It's free. Just like Wikipedia. Enjoy Wikipedia as you never experienced it before. WikiMaster is made by WOKcraft. 

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See the WOKcraft intro video: Introduction to WOKcraft - World of knowledge  on Vimeo.

The company behind WOK is WOKcraft Inc
It will have the ticker WOK in the future.

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