90. How to make a quiz, send to group of WOKers and monitor the results ?
Now, In WikiMaster you can create a random quiz from a specific Wiki article with a certain number of question and send this quiz to a group of WOKers.
Like in a classroom with Chromecast on a big screen, think of it as a group of WOKers may be 30 WOKers take a group at the same time.
This module goes through many steps.
a. You prepare the random quiz for WOKers.
a1. It starts fro the article which you want to make a quiz from, it's one article you make the questions from it, not many articles. hold down 3 seconds on the blue button "Take quiz"
and you get a popup up with some options (Screen1) select the last one "Invite Group".
a2. Now you have to select a group of WOKers to invite (Screen2), In this screen, you search for a WOKer or a group of WOKers and the selected WOKer/group will appear in the box.
You also notice that in front of each group you find how many WOKers make this group. Then click the lower green button "Send Group Invite" to send invitations to all selected WOKers.
a3. On the other hand, the invited WOKers will get a notification in the app (Screen3), with the quiz like "Sara Fergusson Invited you to join Group Quiz of Quiz "General Knowledge" that will start in 1 min 45 sec"
and this counter countdown till the time of the quiz, You click "Join" to take this quiz when it's available.
a4. Then you will prepare the quiz (Screen4), on this screen you can get some information about the quiz
a4.1: Number of WOKers who joined the quiz in the green top left circle.
a4.2: Number of WOKers who invited to the quiz in the blue top right circle.
a4.3: A countdown to the quiz to start in (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds).
a4.4: Number of questions in the quiz, here you can't exceed the total number of questions in the selected Wiki article, you can click on the plus "+" to increase or the minus "-" to decrease the number of questions.
a4.5: All invited WOKers including the WOKers of the groups (of course if you selected groups), the WOKers who joint the quiz, will show the green group icon and the WOKer who didn't join yet, will show the grey group icon .
a4.6: You can add more time if you click on the lower green button on the left with "Add Extra Time".
Finally, you can start the quiz immediately by clicking "Start Now" or you can click the to right chromecast icon to start your chromecast now.
b. You start the chromecast.
Now the quiz begins and each WOKer takes the quiz on his own, it's a normal question from the Wiki article but you can check some statistics on the quiz
b1. The group icon on the top bar shows number of WOKers who answered this question in the top right green circle and number of WOKers who didn't answer this question yet in the grey circle in the bottom right (Screen1)
b2. After the question is answered by the WOKer he/she can check the correct answer (Screen2) and the percentage of the all answered alternatives.
c. Check the results of the group
After the WOKers finish the quiz, you can check their results as a group or check WOKer1 vs WOKer2 results.
c1. Check results as a group (Screen1), after the quiz you can check the group results screen which contains average group score, the average score of the of the WOKers to the article and some other statistics also.
You can click on the green "Review group" button in the bottom to check the results or you can hold down 3 seconds on this button to have an option to check WOKers results (Screen2).
c2.Check WOKer vs WOKer results: If you selected "Review WOKers" you can check WOKer vs WOKer results (Screen3), you can select another WOKers to compare results of course, just click on any WOKer pic or click the green "VS" icon in the middle, then you get a popup (Screen4) to select WOKer 1 (The left list) versus WOKer 2 (The right list), In the popup the selected WOKers will be grey in the list to indicate it's already selected (Screen5) and their names will be replaced, the click "Done" to compare the selcted WOKers resulst (Screen6).
d. Check the answers of the WOKers
Also you can check a certain WOKer answer on the questions, Each question will have answer of the WOKer and also how many WOKers who answered each question, and of course the correct and incorrect answers (Screen1), the correct alternative will have the blue group icon for the WOKers who answered correctly, and the wrong alternatives will have the grey group icon for WOKers who answered wrongly.
If you click on the blue group icon, you can see the WOKers who answered correctly (Screen2) on this question.
This function will be working in an upcoming version on Android in the spring of 2018.