WikiMaster is a Wikipedia app working under the license of Wikipedia Creative Commons 3.0 (and other simular licenses). The same applies to the images used on Wikipedia articles and under different licenses of Wikimedia Commons.
The license is free for use but WikiMaster just as any other 3rd party needs to acknowledge the Authors (= photographers) accordingly.
Since September 2017 and in cooperation with Wikipedia Foundation Legal Department WikiMaster app comply fully with the image Author recognition in Review Mode to the satisfaction of WMF.
In January 2018 a prominent Wikimedian pointed out improvements needed for the app to be even more clear in the honoring of the Authors. In the 3.25 and 3.26 versions released in the end of January and mid February 2018 WikiMaster improved and clarified the Authors contributions in many ways described below. Not only did it comply above the already legal minimum level of the licenses for images, it improved the app feel and usage and gave all the fantastic images even more space to glow with the increased possibilities to magnify and show with the popup working as the zoom on mobile devices.
Its notable to understand that WOK is WOK and Wikipedia Wikipedia. Cousins. With different core but common DNA traits. WOK regard the images in Wikipedia articles as "pets captured by the article" and kept in a tight leach given the minimum of attention with the text as being in the center of attention. The full attention in a Wikipedia article is the text. Image comes as a subordinate item. Because of the DNA of an encyclopedia. Nothing wrong with this per se. It has to be this way for Wikipedia. We at World of Knowledge do however adore and admire the images used in the articles and have given them the freedom of living as the center of attention in our app WikiFlip. The article here is how we gave the images more space to breath in WikiMaster, apart from the legal aspects of following the requirements for usage and respect the authors work.
The Authors are acknowledged in following parts of the app WikiMaster:
1. Review Mode
1. After a quiz is taken, the images can be reviewed in the questions alongside the right answer and reference to other Wikipedia articles. (1) in the Review after a Quiz or a challenge. A single click on the image left of the question will magnify the image and give the information and links to read more.

2. In Wikipedia articles
In the articles of Wikipedia, the license is also easily found just as in the articles since WOK is using the API from Wikipedia. (2) This falls more likely under the Wikipedia part and not the WOK Quiz part in the mix of both components making WikiMaster a mix of the WOK system and the Wikipedia system of content. Nevertheless, this is the 2nd way to find out more about the images in WikiMaster.

3. Home screen with 3 seconds Hold (3SH)
In the end of January 2018, we introduced in version 3.25 in Play Store even more ways to acknowledge the authors apart from the already existing ways as described above.

In Home; when clicking on an image in the list you go to the article. But if you like to know more about who took the image and sent it to the Wikimedia Commons library; you simply hold the image for 3 seconds (3) and the image will pop up with the date, author and image name from the database. So we now have it available on the first landing page. In the popup the blue link on the last row is linked to the different license used for different images. (Example: Public Domain/ Creative Commons 2.5/ Creative Commons 3.0 and more).

Some collage images is using many images and you can scroll within a popup to read more about the inmages and see the links of the license used in the end.
4. In Review Mode from Footer Menu

The fourth place in the app is in the Review Question part of the Footer menu (Fmenu/More/Review). Here among all the taken questions, you have taken in the chronological order you can click on the image or the logfile symbol (grey) and see the authors name, zoom in on the pic and see the date of published and the author.
5. When take quizzes.
The 5th way Wikimaster honor the image is when you take a Question during Take Quiz or Take Challenge. If you for some reason like to magnify for more information about the image or get a clearer hint of the answer you can clic on the image and get a detailed information about the image in the Quiz before you answer.

6. In the screen for Woker who took Quiz, there is the main image in the upper left corner.
Clic on this image for 3 Seconds (3SH) and magnify the image for more information.

7. Add an image to a question
Overall we have displayed 7 or more places in WikiMaster where we honor the Wikimedia Commons license. We also have the possibility to magnify and see the license used when adding an image to the question in Review Quiz, Create Question or Edit Question in different parts of the app: You now have seen numerous ways of WikiMaster comply with the licenses used for images. Note that we only have the possibility to add images from Wikimedia Commons. No images can be uploaded directly to the questions. We are using the Wikipedia Community as a quality control as well as an educational resource for the academic value. Good pictures taken can be added to the Wikicommons database. Once there they can be added to questions in WikiMaster. Afer all, we are cousins to Wikipedia and use the same information for articles and images. WOk add the questions and the quizzes. For fun and for academic added value to the general knowledge and learning process.

8. In the Settings, you can click more and get links to the license used in the app.

Note. Some Wikimedians in the Wikipedia Community have had opinions and comments on the license reference in social media and in the mail to us at WOK.
We at WOK welcome all comments and reflections on how we can improve the app, functions, license, design: Please mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have further ideas and opinions on how WOK can even further comply with the Wikipedia license used.
We will read, listen and change accordingly until utmost satisfaction. We like Wikipedia to be better. We think we have done so by adding quizzes to the Wikipedia articles. We regard a Wikipedia article without multiple choice questions as love without kisses. = Something is missing. We can't force everyone to agree on this but this is how we feel about it. Erase all student literature from questions at the end of the chapters? It would be an idea without meaning. Questions belong to each chapter in a schoolbook. Questions belong to Wikipedia articles. So does images. It's as simple as that.
This page was updated on Feb 13, 2018: In the 3.26 version, we added even more information accordingly to the mandatory of the license to display and carry on what you can do to the picture in case you use it.
We display what licenses of the many different the image is under and we have a full link to the image information with all information needed. And we have made similar changes in the other apps in WOK ecosystem (WikiFlip and Quiz King as well)
We also have different languages info displayed (bug fix from 3.25).