WOKwiki and WikiMaster 1.79 in transition for iPhone and iPad
During the weekends in the end of the year we worked hard and focused to trim the app in AppStore ahead of the Aniversary for iOS version of WOKwiki that would be namechanged to WikiMaster on Jan 15.
"A new year. A new start. And way to go!"
Happy New Year once again 2017! We have moved to the adventure of the new year with a lot of efforts done over the weekends. No laziness observed!
This version 1.79 is 10 work days of jammed updates, trim and enhancements. A great update!
*Note again: We are in a mode to change name to WikiMaster. Please be prepared to move to this app soon.
Check our websites updates and you will see the decoration done ahead of the rest.
WikiMaster (and not WOKwiki) will now be the focal point for World of Knowledge apps.
New homepage is up for the app www.wikimaster.com and for the WOK project at large: www.wokcraft.com also had an uplift.
***News in 1.79***
- Enhanced Graph in Design after challenges display all the action! Like Scroll when many: dots are 6 by 6 in lower part
- Send the graph screenshot and comment to your WOKer opponent in chat! Works cross platform in WOK.
- H2H link added to Profile for easy access to overview of other WOKers challenges with you.
- Updated SuperWOKer model and parsing.
- Profile now have direct links to WikiFlip app ahead of launch.
- Slow response after Take Quiz end of last question before Review has been solved to the happiness of many
- Toogle in Home on Me now works more smooth + Personal Quiz part in menu of 3 sec Holds improved in design.
- Fixed Menu Font Sizes to match Footer, Fixed background placeholder for current WOKer to be green in case of missing avatar: all others will be yellow.
- ForceLeftToRight in case of arabic
- Arabic Localisation of Footer menu
- Fixed h2h bug, caused due to scrolling have the page so h2h loads new values but you cancel dragging and removed touch up so it return to current graph now it loads only when you finish scrolling to next page not in the way to next page.
- Fixed Selecting question bubble in Quiz graph to open Review Question with that question. Ex. Clic on a last question and review that particular question direct without swipe in old review mode.
- Fixed Alert, report in take quiz : Now you can chose to abort the quiz as before or report a question while you react first time when clic on X upper right corner.
- Fixed terms and privacy links to new websites
- Debugged WOKbit/Category in Profile list for other workers that was only at General Knowledge to see detail of WOKer strength and weakness ahead of play when clic on other WOKbits total score in large circle.
- Fixed bug in refreshFBAccessTokenAPI earlier causing the app to feel dull and have empty screens after idle while login with Facebook. Even we ourselves wanted to play with another app due to Facebook changed its settings us not pay attention. Now we Changed FaceBook LoginBehavior from native to use system account to achieve smooth login behaviour as in WWA.
-Added Copy,Delete in Chat view controller so you can edit or delete a chat message.
=> Rather cool start of 2017 2nd update, dont you agree?
Did we mention we now have 3000 french questions created in WOK? Voila. Bien Sur!
And over 62000 questions with image in the WOk database thanks to the growing number of WOKers joining in and create the Knowledge Network WOK on top of Wikipedia?
In 1.80 we will have made a great efforts in translating all menus, popups and Headlines to swedish, arabic and most likely french to be true multilingual in 2017. Stay tuned!
We also will enhance to add image in Chat for future chat with any screenshots from app, not just graph in Head to Head. Snap and send (Future release prepared)
Lots more to wait in 2017! As you would expect from us. After all: We said we would update Wikipedia by making it more fun. Its upon us to be on top of the game. And especially on the first Anniversary Jan 15.