WikiMaster quizapp in AppStore release 1.98 open up four new languages

WikiMaster continue to update and improve the quiz app from the success project World of Knowledge. In AppStore the first updated release since the World wide open of the App have open Wikipedia search for four new languages, making the total language availible to search in Wikipedia to 15. 

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. "

Relentlessly the community of WOK continues to build the Knowledge Network. We are WOK together. This week Muskaan Mahakul, (a 14 year old girl from Bhopal in India) with her ambition, curiosity and drive discovered WikiMaster. During a little more than one week since the release of 1.97 version she has taken over 4700 questions and have created 27 of her own. Check them out in Wikis like Malnutrition and in Ancient Egypt! This type of WOKer activity drive the team behind World of Knowledge to new heights! The extention of making Wikipedia, the Worlds greatest system for knowledge, into a vehicle for fun with Quiz on top of the articles drives us forward! There are so many more good examples to explore in WOK. But the main thing: Everyone has fun in WikiMaster. We make learning more fun. For academic reasons. Or for trivia fun! All our hard work come to play! Come to play!

** News in 1.98
- You can now search Wikipedia and Create questions in 15 languages. (!) We added Polish, Russian, Hindu and Dutch form the Globe in Home.
- WikiMaster support 5 main languages for Quizzes/Challenges with German being the 5th.
- Faster loading in this version with removal of annoying duplication bug from search, chat
- New added Awards added since the launch in previous version in conjuncture with "the other" device platform.
- Shaking in Home will now open Random Wikipedia article as complimentary to shake while in a Wikipedia article.
- Numerous minor bug and layout fixes that the WOKer using the app frequently will smile about.

In 1.99 we will among other issues enhance Awards further by making it serverbased to reduce the app size and to more easy introduce more Awards in the future. Go get more WOKbits! Download this upgrade now!

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