More quiz about Christianity and the Bible in WikiMaster 2.1
The quiz database grows daily in the Knowledge Network WOK. This week we have had the honor to have a large increase in the Wikipedia articles about The Bible, Christianity, Old Testament and New Testament and the granular articles with quizzes to improve the Religion content apart from the normal amount of improvment in the functions in the app WikiMaster for iPhones.
"Everything contains some special purpose and a hidden blessing"
Marcus Aurelius
Upgrades of WikiMaster has come frequently lately due to Appstore has improved time for approval from five days to one day. Making it possible to enhance WikiMaster more often.
This version: Some small advances. Some big. But overall to the benefit of playing.
**News in 2.1 for iPhone and iPad version
- Setting of woker profile with country, state, city had an issue for the United States WOKers that now is fixed
- Selecting country in Scoreboard now show country list immediately without clic twice.
- Change category in review question improved in design
- Solved Profile crash that can cause a crash at rare occasion
- Improved the gratification progress in feel after Take Quiz and Challenge
- Swipe left from last reviewed question changed from random Wikipedia to Taken related Wikipedia
- Over 900 questions about Christianity and The Bible added making the questions exceed 1500!
- New improved messages for new WOKers implemented about Favorites and Chat
Thanks for the response and keep playing WOK!