WikiMaster 3.22 introduce Quiz Store

The new updated November version of WikiMaster introduce Quiz Store. Memory handling improved and makes the user experience better. Community WOK is growing! Over 5200 new questions created and added in the database since last update. 

 Screenshot 20171130 160252


In this version of WikiMaster 3.22 :
- Personal Quiz now has a Explanation Information Page before you start. If you are the author of the Quiz, you can also easily edit a Quiz from this Page by adding and removing questions. 
- Personal Quiz is renamed Quiz Store and can be found from the Burger menu in Upper Right Corner. In Quiz Store any WOKer in the Community can publish a Quiz! 
- Numerous fixes in Quizzes made by the WOKers after heavy validation. 
- Over 117000 questions now have image attached to the question. 

Screenshot 20171130 160401

From the Production Log following has been covered. 
Some lingo explained:
MQI= Personal Quiz Explanation RQ= Review Quiz MQ= Manual Quiz , Personal Quiz, now renamed as a group to Quiz Store. A manually made collection of Questions put in a Quiz by a WOKer from one or many Wikipedia articles. 
EQ= Review Questions (More from Footer menu/ Review) 
v3.22.a10 RQ explanation
v3.22.a10 MQI design enhanced,
v3.22.a10 Make Scoreboard in Bmenu change to Quiz Store ->Go to MQ
v3.22.a10 Change Personal Quiz in Top Bar to Quiz Store
v3.22.a10 Fixed crash when show badges
v3.22.a10 Fixed issue #136 After created a Qs from Wiki and click done show 0 Qs related.
v3.22.a10 Fixed MQ add to quiz search not working.
v3.22.a9 Fixed settings tabs RTL issue.
v3.22.a9 Fixed issue #145 Settings quiz default language when open popup to change is wrong.
v3.22.a9 Fixed issue #148 Took 100% and 100% badge not shown.
v3.22.a9 Fixed start Quiz with different language crash, as realm restriction.
v3.22.a9 Fixed issue #149 MQ creators tab numbers are moved to the left.
v3.22.a9 Fixed Popup in Favorites come more tham once, toggle to MQ does not work.
v3.22.a9 Fixed issue #150 opening MEN don’t reset the counter in footer menu.
v3.22.a8 MQI implemented yellow add to quiz.
v3.22.a8 MQI date NOT date time
v3.22.a8 Fixed MQI design,
v3.22.a8 Implemented EQ MQ update pic,
v3.22.a8 Fixed issue #143 EQ MQ image
v3.22.a8 Fixed issue #144 after change settings langauge design needs enhancement in top tabs rectangle,
v3.22.a8 implemented RMQ click WOK position open WwtMQ,
v3.22.a8 Fixed update token with realm crash
v3.22.a8 Fixed realm integration with models, store all user data with structure.
v3.22.a7 Implemented EOT MQ load more MQ from LQMQ creators search with creator.
v3.22.a7 Fixed EOT chat with anonymous
v3.22.a6 handled start MQ from EQ owner missing.
v3.22.a6 Fixed EQ crash when open QH
v3.22.a6 Fixed TMQCH from MEN qn/total issue
v3.22.a6 Fixed In EOT of a MQTCH ( Token as MQI invitation from notification) : chat with WOKer make error, MQ CI taken many from MEN,
v3.22.a6 Fixed CI crash
v3.22.a6 Fixed another issue make LQ HD tapping to crash.
v3.22.a6 Fixed LQ HD crash tapping while loading,
v3.22.a6 Fixed toast after back from user settings.
v3.22.a6 Fixed H2H snap wih chat crash.
v3.22.a5 Fixed CI group crash.
v3.22.a4 Fixed GP rejection issue and resend a4 again to GP alpha.
v3.22.a4 support swedish curriculum and show MQs even if WOKer language not swedish,
v3.22.a4 Fixed get fetch languages failure,
v3.22.a3 to alpha
v3.22.a3 Stop Log on production, Only when debug.
v3.22.a3 Fixed memory leak, Depend on static handler on ConnectionLayer gc garbage activity after finishing.
v3.22.a2 MQ info 1,2 finished 95%,
v3.22.a2 Major enhance to fix memory leak static inner instead of anonymous call.
v3.22.a1 MQ info implemented W1/W2 design with data connected, prepare show question/edit.
v3.22.a1 Fixed MQ wheel MC sorting issue,
v3.22.a1 Progress on MQ info,
v3.22.a1 MQ info UI progress
v3.22.a1 handled Bmenu crash.
v3.22.a1 Fixed Review question crash reported on GP.
v3.22.a1 Fixed RQs when quiz is null.
v3.22.a1 Login offline when Wn save his cridentials,

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