WikiMaster app 3.23 upgrade the Review Question with comments and explanations
New release from WikiMaster in Google Play! Review Question History is now upgraded with the addition of comments from the WOK community. And the creator of a question can add an explanation to the correct answer to be viewed after the quiz is taken.
WikiMaster grows! November 2017 was a record month and December 2017 is heading for a new record in wokers taking quizzes, questions added. We have over 14000 more questions in the database added so far in December! Over 58000 new during 2017! And the wokers are adding in from all over the World to join the community! Great fun!
The great thing with WikiMaster is that the app and the Community WOK is getting better and better for each day. Just as Wikipedia was great in 2003 when it was 2 years old and had 100000 articles, WOK is getting better and better and more useful for each day soon reaching 400000 questions around its 2nd birthday. We are encouraged by your support and love for the app! Keep pushing us further! Keep joining in and be a part of the learning movement to make Wikipedia content even more fun to learn!
This version is including some great new stuff. Some of the news in 3.23 can also be read about in the FAQ sector, see FAQ 88 and FAQ 89.
The updated version of WikiMaster app in Google Play from 3.22 to 3.23 also includes a improved log file in Review Question with added possibility to add comments.
We also reintroduced explanation with a lightbulb to explain issues after a question is taken that can be added by the creator. As a complement to go to Wikipedia article to read more, the Quiz and Question creator can explain why, how and what for an answer was as it was and to add "things to think about". It could also be a short anecdote for fun or a smart remark. Its a little-added spice for the fun of knowledge as well as a good academic tool.
Before you start a Quiz in Quiz Store, you can see how many that has images. And much more!
Below is our usual Log notes from WOK production team. All small details of the app to work smoothly.
RQ= Review Question. Log2= The new implemented History of the creation of question with new possibility to add comments for more transparency and community discussion without Alert.
v3.23 Implemented RQ log2 pagination
v3.23 MQ me progress graph review quiz -> Me vs Average.
v3.23.a7 Fixed Lightbulb without text show in MQ review
v3.23.a7 Implemented MQI Make Q button go to review
v3.23.a7 Fixed CQ6 design for small devices,
v3.23.a7 Remove un-used tags,
v3.23.a6 ME quizzes H2H no data show ME vs average.
v3.23.a6 Samsung S2 Graph in RQ is not fit in the lower part. You shall see all graph without scroll in all devices.
v3.23.a6 RQ show graph flips log2 back
v3.23.a6 Fixed RQ log2 avatar size
v3.23.a6 Fixed RQ log2 CQ icon
v3.23.a6 Fixed RQ log2 SW icon,
v3.23.a6 RQ log2 remove top date white on blue and keep date grey on right like the design,
v3.23.a5 LQ Stop refreshing to keep scrolling,
v3.23.a5 -RQ: The lightbulb shall not be visible upper right corner unless info is available. No info, no lightbulb
v3.23.a5 - RQ: Lightbulb. To large, shrink to 2/3 size
v3.23.a5 -RQ: Extra info: If info inserted, the design is clear, no popup. See WM7 for the solution or the provided design from AS.
v3.23.a5 Fixed start quiz with different language not working issue,
v3.23.a5 Fixed RQ Very bad implementation. Clic log and this ugly show in RQ log,
v3.23.a5 The pics are twice as big in diameter as the design. Making the rows far to high. Keep small in all devices
v3.23.a5 expect extra info from EQ to display CQ5b Info for Wx to change or update,
v3.23.a5 Fixed CQ5 hide keyboard and request focus with info.
v3.23.a4 Implemented CQ5b add extra info to question
v3.23.a4 Complete RQ log2 wiki tag adds/delete clickable to wiki article page.
v3.23.a3 Complete RQ log2, comments not yet received from the server.
v3.23.a2 RQ log2 implementation progress
v3.23.a1 Fixed MC update design
v3.23.a1 Fixed Change MC: shall display current. NoW always art,
v3.23.a1 Fixed challenge user manager crash.
v3.23.a1 Fixed update location crash.