WikiMaster will continue to move forward in 2018!
During 2018 we will continue to improve WikiMaster. Here are some of the things to look forward to during the year.
As you all know, 2017 was a great year for WOK in general and WikiMaster in particular. We reached 4 million questions taken, we reached 400000 downloads and we reached 400000 MCQ in our database. The challenges played 12-fold! Great success!
Entering 2018 we are full of optimism despite the first week 60Dzone incident as a temporary setback. We will move on and get back up and make new heights this year. Here are some of the issues we have set up on our task list.
A. Group the Wikipedia articles with Booklets
When you read an article on Wikipedia in WikiMaster you can mark the star and save the articles for later read when you toggle in Me (click twice on Me Tab in Home). For many teachers, it's a valuable tool to ask students to mark favorite Wikipedia articles to read as a homework.
Soon Teachers will be able to add a Booklet of articles and publish in WikiMaster containing many articles related to a Homework or a Subject in general. Sure, there are links inside the wiki articles of which you can scroll through, but many students want to have a set so they know the border of the task in front of them. So, for example, Renaissance as a Booklet could consist of the main article Renessaince and then also the articles Michelangelo, Italian Art in the 15th Century, Leonardo da Vinci and many more. As an example.
A WikiSet could also consist of relevant articles if you watch Netflix and The Crown Season 2, episode 5 and want to go deeper and read about all the topics covered in this special episode to enhance your historical perspective and get more granular detail about the Royal Family in the beginning of the 60ies. Just as 200 million viewers do the same, use Wikipedia to search for more while watching: WikiMaster lets any WOKer create a "Playlist" just as in Spotify. We have called it WikiSet since we think Playlist is more bias to music and not a perfect expression for Wikipedia reading. It's also a way to organize Favorites in "Folders" just as you do with apps or anything else. This is one of the things once we got the idea that we thought we should have thought about and implemented long time ago. We hope you will enjoy it. Estimate this function for February release in Google Play.
Hold 3 seconds in the Star in Top Bar and you will be able to add an article to your WikiSet and then other wokers can use the set of wikis for personal use and different purpose.
See design in full here:
B. No mandatory login for trying WikiMaster out
In November 2017, almost two years and about 70 releases accepted by AppStore Review set up by Apple; we had a 2.23 version rejected due to the fact that Apple thought the mandatory login was breaking the 5.11 Rule that a Single Player Mode should not be forced to log in.
In our view, there is no "Single Play mode" involved in WikiMaster. You play with anybody in WikiMaster by taking quizzes, no matter you play yourself or against another woker who already took a quiz or challenge. Someone just has to start the chain of challenges by taking the first quiz in a Wikipedia article. Since Apple is Apple and argument and reason is not equally balanced from a developer with a small dedicated team and we don't have the formula for Asterix superpower drug, we won some time in the argumentation but not the war, we now are on the verge to change the first time user experience by allowing people who download the app to enjoy Wikipedia and Take Quizzes without any registration.
By the time, we pivoted our standpoint and thought that this would, in fact, enhance the app and the growth and have some benefits after all. You can therefore soon download the app and use the quizzes connected without Sign Up. And if you would do so: (Of course who would not!) the device you using will remember the WOKbits you earned so the effort done will not be lost. (Expect the end of January/ February 2018). This will be for both Google Play and iOS version.
New WOKers can download WikiMaster and take a quiz in single player mode without having to sign up first. A function forced upon us by Apple but after some thoughts, we think its good enough for all Android device-owners in Google Play as well.
C. Teachers to quiz in the classroom
The gamification of Wikipedia and the creation of the Knowledge Network need to address both
a. the force of making it fun to learn as fact assembly in the brain is just as fun as any addictive game with blinking animated objects.
b. the academic usefulness of an integrated tool in the existing school system.
This is of course not the easiest task. You want WikiMaster to be as cool as Snapchat and yet as useful for the level of University level and make young people with aspirations go to University easier. Wikipedia is already very useful and very academic trustworthy
We see it as a challenge. Not something opposite. WikiMaster is the core of the Knowledge Network and we will get there. Over time. With loyal and dedicated fans: Our wokers.
Throughout the it-revolution history, the education sector has been lagging behind in almost every cycle of development. Very little has been going on there in comparison to the dramatic change we have seen in so many other industries. The WikiMaster approach has therefore been to address the individual first and then move to the teachers and educators need. WikiMaster is a student first app but we will enhance the teacher functionality and make administrators love the app to in 2018 and beyond.
The first attempt in 2018 in this strategy will be to introduce a possibility for Teachers to Send Quiz to a group. And to have the Quiz been taken in a classroom. (as shown below)
Teachers using WikiMaster as a tool for enhancing students learning can during 2018 Send an Invitation to a group to take Quiz. As a Homework or in a classroom.
Many schools, such as all schools in France forbid the use of mobile phones in school areas so this functionality has some social climbing challenges.
Over time, we think WikiMaster will be the global de facto school tool nr 1 as we aspire high so we have to work through the social barrier with showing lots of good examples over a long time cycle.
Teachers can have a screen in the classroom and students can take the quiz at the same time with the new Teacher function that will be released in Q1/ 2018. Then the discussions onsite and the reflections over any topic can take place.
D. Enhancement in Personal Quiz in Quiz Store
Start a Challenge in Quiz Store or Take a Personal Quiz soon possible. Not a huge leap but an steady important improvement in this sector.
E. Automated Personal Quiz
To create a personal Quiz (MQ) has been possible for some time in WikiMaster by taking questions and pic from the questions you have taken. As a teacher, this process takes some time and will now be even simpler. When we are finished with this function; wokers can create a personal quiz by randomly picking Wikipedia articles and get a chosen number of questions (MCQ) from these articles wrapped in a Personal Quiz that can be published to Quiz Store.
F. Mark note for studies later
When you read Wikipedia articles during studies, you can have a lot of advantages to save parts of the text as notes for later. Perhaps you need it for a term paper, or interesting facts is used for a Status Update or you need a text for a Question you need to create in WOK.
Now this will be possible with the Notes being introduced during Q1.
Notes will make it possible to save extracts from Wikipedia articles when you study.
See full Design of Notes in WikiMaster here.
G. See all Wikipedia page you been to in History
All your visits at Wikipedia page will be accessible in Home menu when you toggle Latest or hold down 3 seconds to get a popup. This functionality will be very useful for going back to articles you have found interesting and want to go back to. Facebook does not have a "back button" and a historical view but all browsers has had it since the first day of Mosaic came out 25 years ago. We should have had this function a long time ago come to think of it. But now it will be accessible in the upcoming version in February.
H. Log in with Google to WikiMaster
Today you can log in with Facebook and email. We will add login with Google during the spring of 2018 in WikiMaster app (as well as in WikiFlip and Quiz King)