WikiMaster 3.25 introduce non registered wokers to play quizzes
WikiMaster is Wikipedia + Quizzes. Now you can enjoy and try the quizzes in WikiMaster without the obligation of registration.
Just as you would browse on Wikipedia on a webpage without any registration, you can use WikiMaster as a clean Wikipedia with the upside of taking quizzes. Well, just as you would not register. Yeah. It sounds strange you would not sign up FREE to the Knowledge Network, does it not? But it is possible in new WikiMaster 3.25.
In this version, we have done some great stuff apart from using the app prior to registration.
- We made it possible to use WikiMaster without a login for Wikipedia use and for Taking Quizzes.
- We also introduce Study Mode as a softer way to read and learn without play distractions.
- WikiMaster also saves the History of visited articles so you can go back easily to review later.
- We restored the questions lost in the beginning of January in 60Dzone so we are now back to north of the 400000 mark in the database of content.
- We restored the accounts lost and the WOKbits earned during 60Dzone
- We made the app considerable faster using a new server/client technic
- We killed a lot of bugs in the Personal Quizzes and Quiz Store.
In Nigeria we introduce a national Contest on Feb 1st and crowned a winner in 3 days, 16hrs and 9 min reaching 1 million WOKbits. See link for more.
From the production notes issues fixed since version 3.24:
v3.25.r4 Enhanced Image picker logic
v3.25.r4 Handled crop issue when low memory change avatar not working, Fixed GP crashes.
v3.25.r4 Hide scoreboard contest it's already finished.
v3.25.r3 Implemented scoreboard Nigeria Legends.
v3.25.r3 Make fix to handle EOT open next screen and back with bad design, EB reported.
v3.25.r3 Handled MEN custom msg new line.
v3.25.r3 Fixed open study mode with no history show latest on study mode.
v3.25.r3 Fixed In Notification: Go to Study Mode. Not work: Stay in Notification with Study Mode as a Headline, Study Mode from Bmenu shall go Home and show History (not Latest).
v3.25.r3 Handled NW bypass GP services not updated issue with another method to continue without any disturbances.
v3.25.r3 Handled NW popup MVP2, MVP3with function click counts, Complete TCH NW function popup help.
v3.25.rollout Fixed EQ alert button not shown for none SW, when expanding extra hide toolbar and plus button.
v3.25.rollout Handled logout swipe from start, not a close app.
v3.25.rollout Handled NW register failure when device id already registered.
v3.25.rollout Improved help onboarding design on small devices.
v3.25.rollout Fixed crash of decode help images on small devices.
v3.25.a17 RQ add quiz to Handled delete and duplication issue, Needs Server side to implement MQ remove question API, requested on WMG.
v3.25.a17 RQ add quiz to a question handled when creating MQ with a name already exists popup,
v3.25.a17 EQ chat owner when W1 is the owner popup with msg = Oops, You are the owner of this quiz, Chat not available.
v3.25.a17 Improve MQ model add until the function hasOwner.
v3.25.a17 Fixed EOT chats with MQ owner error => This case when MQ owner not available popup with msg= Oops, You can't chat with quiz owner right now, Try again later.
v3.25.a17 Fixed H2H ME.vs Average title was missing.
v3.25.a17 Fixed Chat screen title missing
v3.25.a17 Fixed In WWTQ: filter by country and start the search in the results ---> Country filter reset and you search in all.
v3.25.a17 Implemented RQ 3SH on question image to open update question image screen.
v3.25.a17 Handled LQ study mode with toggling.
v3.25.a17 A. Clic on pic in Home all Tabs shall go to articles, B. If 3 S hold: open the Wikimedia Commons as a sent pic.
v3.25.a16 Enhanced LQ toggling.
v3.25.a15 Fixed Pic in Bmenu: Shall not be AW Anonymous WOKer-> Shall be “WikiMaster” in text and W as the logo for AW.
v3.25.a15 Implemented LQ History toggle 5.
v3.25.a15 Implemented wiki common popup in LQHD.
v3.25.a15 Fixed broadcast receiver collision between WOK apps.
v3.25.a15 Improved Wiki common popup image loading..
v3.25.a15 Implemented In Home normal view: Clic on a pic shall have the same issue: Zoom out and give same info as WFA has.
v3.25.a15 Fixed RQ add to quiz display MQ category icon when MQ without pic.
v3.25.a15 Fixed MQI add a question to MQ and search.
v3.25.a15 Fixed MQI edit info and edit name.
v3.25.a15 Fixed MQI W1 questions duplications.
v3.25.a15 MQ send quiz to make a popup with function not available on this version until API implemented.
v3.25.a15 When click on the W upper: It should go to join
v3.25.a15 Fixed CQ5 update pic not working.
v3.25.a15 Handled W1 can remove tag he added on CQ4 create or edit the question.
v3.25.a15 Handled W1 can remove tag that he added from Add tag screen.
v3.25.a14 Implemented NW V3 not allowed NW function popup with tutorial.
v3.25.a14 Improved MQ manager,
v3.25.a14 Fixed EQ MQ browse Qs API path.
v3.25.a14 Fixed When clic Join: swipe right should take you back to NW mode. Now back go to Google Play.
v3.25.a14 Implemented EQ MQ browse questions A2.7
v3.25.a14 Fixed EQ title inline when switch from my quizzes to created questions.
v3.25.a13 MQ add to quiz change top bar text to add to quiz instead of add tag.
v3.25.a13 Enhanced CMQ design, handled client side prepration for create MQ and add question to MQ, need server cooperation,
v3.25.a13 Fixed fast click to NW join crash app with not attached to Activity exception.
v3.25.a13 Fixed LQHD play btn not fully rounded.
v3.25.a13 Fixed LQHD design issue reported by AS, Complete study mode.
v3.25.a12 Show NW popup and stop navigate to screen with: (When NW mode.), 1. CQ1 from any place inside App. 2. Chat screen 3. Quiz store.
v3.25.a12 Fixed signup issues.
v3.25.a12 Fixed Old WOKers signing in shall not be forced to welcome 4 steps.
v3.25.a11 Fixed review not working issue.
v3.25.a10 Fixed settings crash.
v3.25.a10 Fixed CI NW popup when invite before. That fix on coonectionlayer will fix any NW popup when error.
v3.25.a10 Implemented CQ5b answering time update, implemented explanation update from EQ, implement answering time update from EQ/RQ, implemented answering time for TQ/TCH/TMQ/TMQCH.
v3.25.a9 NW join to old login, enhanced old login screen design, enhanced signup screen and hide login/fb login btns.
v3.25.a8 Implemented NW join wikimaster login/fb login logic.
v3.25.a8 Added study mode on Bmenu.
v3.25.a8 added signup top banner for large screens.
v3.25.a8 Implemented NW signup screen,
v3.25.a7 implement CQ5 edit question time design, Server API not finished yet.
v3.25.a7 Handled NW register sync calls.
v3.25.a7 NW validate google play services enabled or show user popup to enable it and handle callback to make use ofadvertising id.
v3.25.a7 MQI design improved.
v3.25.a6 Ignore download awards for NW.
v3.25.a6 Handled synchronized for request languages, token updates and NW register.
v3.25.a6 Handled update langauges on background,
v3.25.a6 Continue NW validation with LQ,Wikipedia search, favorite and TQ.
v3.25.a6 Enhanced NW popup top icon padding for large screens.
v3.25.a6 Fix NW login hash md5 lower schema.
v3.25.a5 Complete NW logic.
v3.25.a5 update user extra info related to WM on realm database model.
v3.25.a4 Popup W ontop shall clean W and sharp.
v3.25.a4 Complete NW design, open wiki and back home to same place,
v3.25.a4 NW popup buttons need to be higher and no Caps
v3.25.a3 enhanced anonymous popup design
v3.25.a3 Complete NW login popup
v3.25.a3 Implemented Wikipedia login mode design login screen.
v3.25.a3 updated GP services keys
v3.25.a3 Wikipedia main image request on intent service.
v3.25.a3 Load images on background service --> improving fast scrolling LQ & TQ more smooth.
v3.25.a3 Handled store token with on realm during login process.
v3.25.a3 Fixed upload avatar with signup token issue,
v3.25.a3 Implemented Create group with image --> move to background intent service away from UI.
v3.25.a3 handled login with server msg.
v3.25.a2 Fixed server msg popup on splash.
v3.25.a2 make alert snap and chat with snap as background intent service improve UI experience.
v3.25.a1 Enhanced display server msg popup when error,
v3.25.a1 make CQ5b extra info scrollable.
v3.25.a1 Fixed Award downloader update and fixed zoom to full screen crash.
v3.25.a1 Implemented download awards as background intentservice, Update FCM token on WOK server inside intentservice.
v3.25.a1 Enhnaced upload avatar communication with UI.
v3.25.a1 Upload WOKer avatar in intentservice.
PS. We also restored 98% of questions lost in 60 Dzone.
Download the WikiMaster app from these links: