Google Login makes it easier to use WikiMaster on iPhone
In WikiMaster app you can use the app as a nonregister member of the WOK ecosystem or as a registered woker. Now in version 2.33 you can signup and log in with Google login on your iPhone or iPad to making it much easier than typing an email and a password.
Science is an exercise in finding whats true.
Neil deGrasse
.. and learning facts is the key you use for the brain to assemble the tools for creating new scientific discoveries.
You don't need to have the ambition to discover things leading to the Nobel Prize. It is even more simple. The WikiMaster moves Wikipedia Information to WOK knowledge. With more facts and knowledge, you learn more insights and can draw conclusions. And produce more great ideas. The active lifetime learning is the key. And learning and being active with brain exercise keeps you younger a longer time.
WikiMaster provides a lifetime learning of facts. You will never read 5.6 million Wikipedia pages. But you can constantly fill your brain with facts and count the WOKbits in the app just as you can count calories burned when you are out running or being in the gym exercising, The brain needs to exercise.
*News in 2.33 for iPhone
- Google Login added as a functionality
- Aspect fit bug for Burger menu pic
With one click on the Google login button, you will register and login to WOK and fill your brain with great facts.
WikiMaster in Google Play https://goo.gl/nOvQPc
WikiMaster link in AppStore: https://goo.gl/RtPrhQ