WikiMaster introduce Booklet
WikiMaster 3.29 introduce Booklet. Now you can add many Wikipedia articles into a Booklet and bundle Wikipedia articles that you feel belong together. Great for teachers sending Homeworks. Great for gathering many Wikipedia articles into a Documentary or Ted Talk. Great to summarize articles on a personal level. You can enjoy yours and other WOKers booklets. Hope you enjoy it.
The Booklet was called WikiSet during development. We have seen the need for this function while watching The Crown on Netflix and while our curiosity stirred during watch the episode, the drift to find out more and read about the different episodes adventure, people and happenings made us like everybody else going nuts on Wikipedia, we found that all episodes interesting articles should be gathered in a "group". Whether we call it Folder, Bundle, Gather, Booklet, WikiSet, Reading List or something else: It made sense to put the Wikipedia articles in a group.
Teachers can put articles in need for Homework and assignment. You can add Booklets as Favorites in the Me tab or hold 3 seconds on Favorite Star to access it.
Or Hold 3 Seconds on Home Latest Tab to chose this function.
We have as usual fixed numerous other bugs as well in this version. See notes below.
See FAQ on Booklet previously announced as WikiSet.
Production notes from the Production team include:
v3.29.a10 change booklets -> booklet
v3.29.a9 Fixed RQ toggle correct/incorrect/all cached view was not updated.
v3.29.a9 Enhanced Wikisearch cancel old request and change search key enure trim empty space start/end search key.
v3.29.a9 changed WikiSet to Booklet
v3.29.a8 Implemented review with total/correct and incorrect with pagination.
v3.29.a8 Fixed LQ wikiset toggle issue,
v3.29.a7 Fixed LQ WikiSet toggle issue.
v3.29.a7 Handled WikiSet search created filter.
v3.29.a7 Fixed WikiSet relead item expand issue.
v3.29.a6 Fixed LQ bad design issue reported by EB, Complete WikiSet module implementation.
v3.29.a6 Fixed serachBox left padding, WikiSet all other 14 should be visible in the box, Adding Universe as the 15th tag shall update the number 14 to 15.
v3.29.a5 WikiSet added count number.
v3.29.a5 WikiSet added wiki article actions and request need keys from server.
v3.29.a5 Enhanced login screen check GP services callback.
v3.29.a5 Don't check GP services when back from logout #issue reported by SS
v3.29.a5 When add a tag: The input disappears and the Search result remain. Keep this in WikiSet add to.
v3.29.a5 WikiSet load wiki articles.
v3.29.a4 MQI get tags with pagination.
v3.29.a4 MQI get tags to update icon by pagination, 10 Random makes good and We can have refresh swipe up to load 10 more (display 20) until he finds a tag with good images.
v3.29.a4 MQI Only owner/SW can change MQ icon/category.
v3.29.a4 Enhanced landing image size
v3.29.a3 Fixed Bad design suddenly for tablet Samsung 700.
v3.29.a3 Fixed MQI when MQ owner show owner tools btns.
v3.29.a3 Handled MQI update category/icon no updates applied.
v3.29.a3 Implemented MQI update category.
v3.29.a3 MQI fixed First time it upload: It does not refresh MQI.
v3.29.a3 MQI fixed Going to another MQ (MQ2) it display the recent uploaded image on MQ1.
v3.29.a3 It has a Top Bar info of Add image to Question. - > Add image to Quiz
v3.29.a3 Fixed NW RQ related popup.
v3.29.a3 Fixed Review, by clicking eye in EOT as NW suggest Take challenge. I believe we have a Review popup more suitable for this part.
v3.29.a3 Update category from EQ shall have art to vocabulary and not infinite spin just like you fixed in cq3.
v3.29.a3 Complete Wikiset add/remove wikiarticle design/logic.
v3.29.a3 Enhanced search to add tag/question/quiz/wiki to wikiset scrolling no need to pull from bottom each time.
v3.29.a3 Implemented WikiSet add/remove wikiarticle.
v3.29.a3 Implemented Wikiarticle left menu endless load more callback no need to pull from bottom to load more each time.
v3.29.a3 Fixed Wikiarticle left menu request loop bug, Reported by AW after API updates.
v3.29.a3 Fixed LQ scrolling bug rported by AW,
v3.29.a2 Progress on WikiSet implementation finish list/create.
v3.29.a2 Enhanced TQ/TCH design for large screen.
v3.29.a2 Enhanced RQ question comment chat cache during review session and handle updates.
v3.29.a2 The Add Tag Finish button is to close to the Footer menu / keyboard - > It shall move upwards a bit
v3.29.a2 Fixed RQ update image/category or add tag clear question log on client side.
v3.29.a2 CQ1 wiki load images only when WOKer open camera icon.
v3.29.a2 CQ1 load images only when WOKer open camera icon.
v3.29.a2 Fixed EQ SW show all questions without PQ filter then toggle LC to switch.
v3.29.a2 Fixed Login with app with FB take you to Study mode. Bring W1 to home if log in with FB.
v3.29.a1 Fixed LQ wiki search crash.
v3.29.a1 Fixed splash close app during handling storage permission crash.
v3.29.a1 EQ popup -Change place so Show my quizzes is last.
v3.29.a1 Tag question random handled API based on server latest impl.
v3.29.a1 Fixed Search Wikipedia works bad. In Footer2.