WikiMaster fixed a bug in Wikipedia
We at WOK has found a big bug in Wikipedia. We have reported it to Wikipedia Foundation. But the bug has not been fixed by the Wikipedia Community. So we fixed it in the mobile. Now Wikipedia is better. It's called WikiMaster version 3.31.
The bug? Quizzes are missing in Wikipedia! We are of course half joking. Wikipedia is Wikipedia and WOK is WOK. But we consider Wikipedia less good without the academic use of Quizzes in the end. And we are continuing our efforts of having Wikipedia Desktop version improved with the quizzes from WOK. Until this "bug" is fixed by the WMF in San Francisco for the benefit of greater good and human mankind: WikiMaster app in Play Store is the alternative to use if you want a better Wikipedia experience. We are not resting on our shoulders. And our small but growing community of wokers is working hard to enhance the content of questions to the Wikipedia articles. We are welcoming Wikipedians (who create and edit Wikipedia articles) to join in and create questions to all Wikipedia articles thus making the Knowledge Network WOK better for the benefits for all students in the World.
An article without the questions at the end of the Wikipedia article is a less good article than the ones with quizzes. It's not an opinion. It's a fact. It's not to argue about as the late Hans Rosling would have said to a Danish journalist had he been asked about it. So we at WOK urge Wikipedia to implement this functionality. We would love to be a part of the solution to this bug.
Yes: BUG! The Quizzes turns information into Knowledge in the head like a screwdriver puts a screw into the wall.
In the latest version of WikiMaster, the 3.31 version in Play Store we have done many improvements:
- enhanced the newly added Notes function to be working with synchronization on many devices. Check.
- All notes are separate even when taken from the same article.
Ex. Two notes from Recycling now show as separate Notes.
- We have implemented the great new function of offline reading of articles marked by the star and listed in Favorites. Check. This function has been in the official Wikipedia app for some time (the app without quizzes = bug version). Catching up are we, said Yoda.
- We also made a Setting option for Landing page choosing from Home (still default) but now you can set History and Study Mode.
We have made plenty of other smaller design issues and "the devils is in the details" fixes listed in the Production notes below.
v3.31.a4 Fixed study mode Main_page with each language, was only supported by English.
v3.31.a4 Fixed signup Marked checkbox Make it white on blue
v3.31.a4 Fixed notes Marked checkbox has some strange colours. Make it white on blue
v3.31.a4 Fixed landing btn in settings design and fix btn icon size.
v3.31.a4 Check notes update from server when connected after open notes screen.
v3.31.a4 Ignore notes list grouping by article name to display all notes.
v3.31.a3 Fixed Notes null name for previous alpha version for EB.
v3.31.a3 Enhanced settings landing option.
v3.31.a3 Fixed merged notes from server name missing.
v3.31.a2 Fixed sync after merge old notes.
v3.31.a2 Fixed note popup shall not displayed when old note exists.
v3.31.a2 Implemented Landing page option in settings.
v3.31.a2 Check favorite tags on LQ and cache, cache with favorite action and remove when W1 remove favorite action.
v3.31.a2 Fixed MEN link active and clickable.
v3.31.a1 Fixed CQ1/wiki The height of all symbols shall be same as the symbols at the left side
v3.31.a1 Fixed CQ1 The height of all symbols shall be same as the symbols at the left side
v3.31.a1 Complete notes module with sync offline cross devices.
v3.31.a1 redesign notes schema to improve sync cross WOKers, implement notes compact module to refactor WOKers created notes.