WikiMaster 3.32 has a new Pause to review function
WikiMaster 3.32 has a new Pause to review function among many other great enhancements. WikiMaster app team is back after the holiday and has done some strong start.
The new version has got a few design issues covered like the Arabic Flag being replaced.
WikiMaster new version introduces the ability to review question while taking Quiz with Paus function. We also have solved a lot of small issues in function and design making the app more useful and faster. Since the last update over 12900 questions has been added by the Community that loves knowledge.
From our Production Notes:
Worked on WMA v3.32.a7-a10 -
v3.32.a10- Debug chat/conversation issues and post APIs on group. (Server side issues, server response with something goes wrong).
v3.32.a10 Working on enhance resources that will reduce app size with 2-3MB.
v3.32.a10 Fixed add image during TQ pause not saved issue,
v3.32.a10 Fixed EQ show extra design issue.
v3.32.a10 Try to enable proguard with main module but still have issue will and complete debugging later that will reduce app size with about 2MB. Fixed proguard configurations for a lib to reduce app size. -
v3.32.a6 merge development branch
v3.32.a6 implemented build bundle reduce apk size with 40%, remove Emoji and depend on android support compat.
v3.32.a5 Convert flags and some images to webp step to reduce app size, fix TQ,TMQ,TCH and TMQCH freeze issue,
v3.32.a3 Fixed TQ/MQ freeze.
v3.32.a3 Review current paused Qn.
v3.32.a3 Implemented show W2 answering WB and time when review question from MEN or RQ.
v3.32.a3 Countdown will continue until 30. The question will not be possible to take after 30, The 2 sec wait when answer until next Q shall be the timeframe within Review without loosing Wb.
v3.32.a2 Implemented Pause on quiz for review
v3.32.a1 Fixed settings layout issue when change app language.
v3.32.a1 Fixed LQ layout language issue of English - - > Arabic - > Back to English make left to right from Arabic stay: reported by EB. v3.32.a1 Implemented Organization on settings.
v3.32.a1 Fixed crash reported.
v3.32.a1 Fixed runtime permission crash on splash landing.