Command WikiMaster Quizzes with your voice
WikiMaster app now introduces Voice Activation functionality. You can turn on the Voice functions in Settings and let the sound of your voice reply on your quiz questions.
In version 3.35 of WikiMaster for Android, this new feature will work. Its just to go to Settings and turn Voice command on and start.
You can say A,B,C,D or 1,2,3,4 or say the word in the chosen answer (Like "Paris") : And WikiMaster will note that you answered! This function is really useful.
We also have introduced the possibility in Wikipedia articles to have the article first paragraph to be read. Turn on Sound in Settings will bring you a symbol in the Wikipedia articles in Top Bar upper left (see pic 1)
Pic 1. You find the Voice Command symbol in the Top Bar if Sound is turned on in Settings. When you click on this symbol, you will hear the Wikipedia article be read.
Pic 2. Voice Command is activated in Settings in tab Display just below Sound.
Pic 3. All you have to do is to go to Settings and activate Voice Command and allow Microphone to record audio. It works and its fun.
Pic 4. We also have asked our wokers to their give location for a better user experience.
Production Notes for fixes and enhancements in 3.35
v3.35.a10 Fixed curriculum not displayed issue.
v3.35.a10 Fixed Voice in Wiki. It continues to speak/sound albeit leaving
v3.35.a10 This limit access to graph etc. I like to get the Graph as choice making Go to Graph (Not the Eye to RQz)
v3.35.a10 Fixed EQ questions with images different values with WMA/WM7.
v3.35.a9 update version code
v3.35.a9 wiki article stops speaking when pause and shutdown engine with onDestroy.
v3.35.a9 Implement Wikipedia read article summary (using summary API from Wikipedia), Improved OkHttp connection using Rx.
v3.35.a8 voice command improved with fuzzy search select best choice.
v3.35.a7 Fixed dependency conflicts was expected to make runtime issue.
v3.35.a5 Enhanced TQ/TCH take questioned and fixed skip issue.
v3.35.a5 Improved TQ/TCH loading timer to Rx Observable.interval
v3.35.a5 depend on lib with CircleImageView, Rx component implemented.
v3.35.a4 Fixed crash of missing logo res, move asking for runtime permission after app landing on LQ and show a popup with an explanation before asking.
v3.35.a3 Fixed Android O restricted run background service when App isn't foreground, Fixed TQ/TCH freeze by handle pause state.
v3.35.a2 Enhanced EOT onResumePlaying to fix freeze reported by EB.
v3.35.a2 Fixed EOT inflate badges layout illegalState crash.
v3.35.a2 Start service crash with register NW/Wikipedia cache missing images when illegaState.
v3.35.a2 Fixed update chat badge on Fmenu.
v3.35.a1 Implemented ask WOKer for enabling location after landing on LQ and after disable NW join popup or any focus popup, and if woker rejects wait 10 times and ask again for good UI experience.
v3.35.a1 Fixed App close after runtime permission dialog.
v3.35.a1 Fixed LQ chat conversation API bug.
v3.35.a1 Fixed Leave chat crash with some devices, Fixed get WOKer/NW get location when location disabled, Fixed google login in debug mode.
v3.35.a1 Fixed nearBY API bug, Fixed map marker not displayed.
v3.35.a1 Fixed NW mock was not displayed when woker location can't obtain.